Air adhart gu clàr na làraich
Kim Cums: TARDIS na Banrigh

TARDIS na Banrigh - Picset

  • Photos, solo

A bheil an TARDIS seo nas motha air an taobh a-staigh? Feumaidh tu coimhead fo mo sgiort gus faighinn a-mach!

I know you wish you were the Doctor, so that you could open up the door to this TARDIS and take a peek inside. Where and when in all of space and time would you like to travel? You know that you wouldn’t really be the one deciding; the TARDIS is the one that takes the Doctor where they need to go.

Also, Happy Birthday to the Queen*! She doesn’t look too amused here, but I’m sure she’s celebrating under that stern exterior.

*For those of you that don’t know, the Queen’s Birthday is a public holiday in Australia.

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Faic tuilleadh de na dreasaichean Blackmilk

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