Air adhart gu clàr na làraich

A ’clàradh aithrisean airson bhòtannan - bhidio

Chan eil a h-uile bloopers!

a 'chiad Vows film goirid a ’toirt a-steach aithrisean guth bho Òran nan Òran. Chlàr mi an claisneachd a bharrachd seo air feasgar snog snog anns an t-seòmar-cadail agam. Uill feasgar gu ìre mhòr sàmhach, às aonais cuid brisidhean bho Jay agus aon de na cait agam, Isaac. Ma tha thu airson iad sin fhaicinn air cùl na seallaidhean agus buillean, faodaidh tu sùil a thoirt air na Vows Outtakes & BTS an seo.

However, if you would like to listen to my voice as I recite sexual bible verses, stay tuned and watch the video below. I’ve included a few silly bits in the intro, but the rest is just me practicing and recording my narrative lines.

I’m planning on doing some more audio content as this year progresses. I would like to release some audiobook/podcast style posts where I just read short stories and excerpts from sci-fi stories and erotica. If you have any recommendations, please let me know by sending me a message on Twitter!

Am prògram bhideo slàn: 3:15